Adult Education

Tuesday Talks,  Workshops & Classes

Educating adults in conservation, ecology, and horticulture.

Tuesday Talks

Our popular series of Tuesday Talks are held each Tuesday at noon from January through October; 38 in total for 2024. Presenters come from acidemia, government and business, all leading experts in their fields.  Current research and best practices in ecology, conservation and horticulture help people to stewards of their land and nature.

Talks from January through the end of April are free for everyone and presented via Zoom.

Tuesday Talks Zoom Link – one link for all the talks January – April. Tuesday Talks are free via zoom.

From June through October, talks are held in-person in the Hexagon and are free for members and $5 for non-members.


Workshops are held year round. Subjects include animal tracking, bird watching, seed starting, perennial dividing, apple tree pruning, worm bins and mushroom foraging. Workshops require pre-registration. Some workshops are free and others have a fee.  All are fascinating and informative!

To register, please email or call Toni at 207-236-2231.

Animal Tracking
Febuary 7th

Apple Tree Pruning
March 9th

Seed Starting
March 23rd

Dividing Perennials
May 5th

May 16th
September 12th

Bart Wood Memorial Bird Walk
May 25th

About Soil
September 9th

Watercolor Classes

Nancy Glassman teaches watercolor classes on Wednesday mornings.  She holds classes in the conference room and gardens.

    • Intermediate level class – Currently full but please email or call Toni at 207-236-2231.
Watercolor Class with Nancy Glassman